Davis College MUN 2024

Davis College MUN 2024

Davis College MUN 2024

Davis College Model United Nations Conference took place this year from January 23 to January 26th. The conference which took place in Cork City and which utilised not only the main hall but the millennium and the council chambers has come a long way from its initial conference in Davis College PE hall. MUN offers something that no other event does, it gives students who are tuned into world affairs an opportunity to voice their opinion and to meet with like minded individuals. It is an essential conference as it highlights global issues that are of concern to everyone of us and allows for debate on these issues

Most importantly, it build leadership capacity, it gives confidence to those who doubt their calling, it reaffirms commitment to change. MUN shapes the leaders of the future! Leaders are not just those who speak on podiums, leaders are created in all areas and those who support and facilitate the public faces are capable leaders in their own right and one would be mistaken to underestimate them.

Our students are offered opportunities across the board. Some choose to represent a sovereign nations, speak publicaly and fight causes, others choose to be part of the admin staff that are essential to allowing sovereign nation have their voice heard. Irrespective, all students gain vital experience that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Davis College offers unique opportunities to students in organising what is the largest event of its kind in the country

Feb 17
School Closure
Feb 24
School Reopens
Mar 03
School Closure
Mar 04
Spring Assessments 1st & 5th years
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
© 2025 Davis College