Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievement in Davis College

Davis College is strongly committed to ensuring that each student fulfills their academic potential. To this end we provide

Supervised Study Programme: After school supervised study is provided up to 5.30/6pm four days a week.

Academic Council: The College has a Council of teachers who meet regularly to formulate strategies aimed at furthering academic attainment.

Teacher Expectations: Teachers in Davis College expect students to always strive to give of their best in terms of effort and commitment, regardless of academic ability.

Homework: Homework is central to effective academic achievement. It reinforces the learning that has taken place during the school day and helps to prepare students for further learning in the following lesson. Davis College teachers assign and mark homework for all lessons

Homework Journal: Students are required to record the homework that is assigned in their homework journals and these are reviewed each week by the class teacher.

Extra Tuition: As a result of our close links with UCC we are in a position to offer additional tuition to students free of charge.

Extending Subject Options: Davis College provides a very wide curriculum and to meet changing needs in the economy, the College has introduced additional subjects at senior cycle subject to demand, including Applied Mathematics, Economics, Physical Education and Accounting.

Transition Year: All students in Davis College complete Transition Year. This experience enables students to avail of the benefits of an extra year. This has an invaluable impact their academic development and also allows students develop the ‘soft skills’ seen as vital to success in later life.

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): Through our engagement with the Google Drive facility students can obtain extra notes and learning resources from this forum. They can also interact with their teachers by submitting assignments and receiving feedback.

Regular Assessment & Feedback: International research indicates that regular feedback to students which affirms success and points to steps that can be taken for further success, can have the impact of an improvement of two grades in the student’s examination achievement. In Davis College we assess in a variety of ways:

  • Assessment for learning-giving students feedback (verbal/written etc.) to inform their future progress
  • Assessment of learning-grading students’ work according to marking schemes
  • Regular class tests
  • Formal assessments-Autumn, Spring, Easter and Summer with written reports issued to parents/guardians
  • Pre Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations
  • Formal parent-teacher meetings are held at regular intervals in the school year

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500 points and over in 2022

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Recent Scholarship Recipients

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500 points and over/LCA Distinctions 2021


ETB Award Winners 2020


ETB Award Winners 2019

The ETB Award recognise outstanding achievements in the Leaving Certificate and the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme. Davis College was well represented this year with a host of recipients nominated for awards. Not least of which was Matthew McGlynn who received a maximum 625 points in his Leaving Certificate.


Jan 20
Pre exams begin for 3rd and 6th years
Jan 21
Davis College Model United Nations
Jan 27
Transition Year Work Experience Week 2
Feb 12
Transition Year Parent teacher meeting
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
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