What is the School Day?

Students attend a forty-two period school week during the academic year in Davis College.

School Day


9.00 - 10.20 - classes

10.20-10.30 Break for 1st/4th years

9.00-11.00 -classes

11.00-11.10 Break 2nd/3rd/5th/6th years




1.40 -3.40 Mon/Tue

1.40 -3.00 Wed-Fri

What is the school uniform?

  • Maroon Crested Jumper (Philips Bookshop, Mallow)
  • Grey Shirt (can be any brand)
  • Grey Trousers/Skirt (can be any brand)
  • Black footwear .
  • School jacket- We strongly recommend the purchasing of a school jacket which are available from Philips Bookshop in Mallow

It is advisable to retain a spare set of trousers or skirt in case one needs repair/ cleaning. Hoodies are not permitted under any circumstances.

Is there specified PE gear?

Yes . Students can wear their PE uniform on the day they have PE. The PE uniform is available online from https://playr-fit.com/davis-college/

see https://daviscollege.ie/Content/2022/6/st67-PE_Uniform.pdf for more details

What do I do if my son/daughter is ill?

  1. Send a message via the VS Ware app or if necessary ring in the morning before 9.30 if possible and let us know
  2. Provide a note in the student journal on the day the student returns to school

What if my son/daughter needs to leave school early?

This situation arises for everyone at some stage.

  1. If there is a planned event, complete the short form on the VS Ware app or alternatively write a note in the school journal which the student will present to the Deputy Principal. Ideally, come and collect your son/daughter and sign them out of the school. If they are leaving without being collected they must sign out and get their diary stamped.
  2. If the event is unplanned, simply arrive at the school and your son/daughter can be collected but this may take a little time.

What is the situation with mobile phones?

Mobile phones are not allowed in the building, before, during or after school. On occasion teachers may decide to use phones as an educational tool and this will be flagged to students beforehand. Any student who needs to contact home is free to use the school phone. Any parent who needs to contact their children can do so via the main office. 022 21173. Phones are confiscated from students if they are using them without permission. They are returned at the end of the school day and students go on a probation card to monitor their behaviour.

Where can my son/daughter store their belongings?

All students are provided with decent sized lockers. All books and valuables should be stored in these. We advise against bringing large sums of money or high value items to school such as phones. head phones etc. As in any public place, leaving items unattended can result in them being taken. That said, the vast majority of goods reported missing are located quite quickly and were simply misplaced by students.

How do I know what is happening in the school .e.g. early closures etc.?

At the start of every year you will receive a school calendar outlining the key events taking place throughout the year.

There is a calendar on the school website and the school sends reminder texts events relevant to your children.

In the case of school reports, these will be issued in November, January and early March (exam classes) and June. These are available on the VS Ware App.

Is there anyone I can contact if I have concerns?

Of course! You are never on your own and there are always staff on hand to assist you. If in any doubt please contact Glen Burke who is our Home School Community Liaison Teacher. He has daily contact with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads and Class Tutors and is also a member of the Student Support Team.

Most issues can be addressed by the Class Tutors or Year Heads -Both deal with any concerns around student behaviour, student progress, bullying, medical issues, personal issues e.g. death in a family etc. They will also arrange for students to be referred on to the Guidance Counselors.

Guidance Counselors: We currently have two Guidance Counselors on staff. They have a dual role. In the first instance they deal with advice around careers and subject options. They are available to both students and parents to discuss such issues. Guidance counselors also provide a counselling service to students who are struggling in school or in life generally. The service is adequate for most situations but is not an alternative to professional counselling which some students may require on occasion.

School Completion Programme (SCP) Coordinator: Sometimes children struggle to cope with school. This can be for a variety of reasons ranging from academic ability to lack of organisational skills to lack of interest etc. The SCP team work with students in an effort to make school a more manageable place for them.

How do the buses work?

Parents need to apply for a bus ticket in March/April to get a ticket for September. You won't be notified of this by Bus Eireann and it up to each family to organise bus tickets. Buses from outlying areas drop students in the square in Mallow. Davis College students are provided with a shuttle bus which brings them from the square to the school. In the afternoon the shuttle bus will return students to the square in time for the regional buses to transport them home. More information on buses is available on this site under the Parents tab

What is after school study?

Students can opt to remain in school and be supervised as they complete homework or study. Study operates from 4.00pm to 6.00pm Monday & Tuesday and 3.30-5.30 Wednesday & Thursday. There is also a one hour option for younger students. After school study is administered by the SCP Programme and there is a cost involved and this is paid on a termly basis. As the year progresses, study is provided during mid term breaks and on Saturday mornings.

Feb 17
School Closure
Feb 24
School Reopens
Mar 03
School Closure
Mar 04
Spring Assessments 1st & 5th years
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
© 2025 Davis College