1st Year Parent Information
School Information
Please see our information guide for parents of First Year Pupils: 1st Year Parent booklet 2023.pdf
Equipment List
We are very aware that parents can be unsure of what is their son or daughter may require in terms of equipment for 1st year. Below is a list of equipment for all subject areas as a guide for parents. Students will be given a chance at the start of the year to get things organised so there is no panic in having everything in place but we also appreciate that items can be gathered gradually over the summer in order to alleviate costs in September. We are often asked about PE clothing. We don't have a specific uniform for PE, students can simply wear whatever casual wear they have that is suited to physical activity.
First Year Equipment List.docx
1st Year Subject Choice
Below is a guide to choosing subjects in 1st Year. The guide includes advice on what to consider when choosing subjects as well information on each subject. Student choice of subject allows the school formulate a timetable but we fully appreciate that some students may not be so sure about some subjects. So, for the first eight weeks of term we allow our 1st year students to move freely between subjects if they are not happy with their choice. The result is that by November in 1st year the vast majority of students are happy in their subject areas and teachers can move on with teaching the syllabus and maximise the time available to them.
Subject Choice Guide pdf Subject Choice form.docx
School Uniform
In Davis College we have a school uniform which consists of
- Wine crested jumper
- Grey shirt and
- Grey trousers for both boys and girls/grey skirt
- Black shoes/runners
The crested jumper is available locally in Philip's bookstore or in Barry's Menswear. The shirt, skirt and trousers are generic and widely available in a range of high street stores as well as Philips.
School PE Uniform
The School PE uniform is a sweatshirt/t-shirt and a tracksuit pants. PE uniform can only be worn on the day students have PE. The PE gear can be bought individually or as a set. For more information and size guides please go to https://daviscollege.ie/News/School-PE-Uniform/113253/Index.html

School Jacket
We also have a school jacket which is available in Philip's Bookstore. This jacket represents value for money and we recommend students to purchase a school jacket.