Green Schools

Green Schools

Davis College Green Schools

'One Good Idea'

As part of the College's drive to combat environmental issues we are part of the 'One Good Idea' competition. Our project aims to reduce the use of single use plastics as well ensuring there are only biodegradable products used on site.We have made great progress on this. Our school canteen only used biodegradable plastics in all its single use products such as forks and knives. They have also moved from selling bottled water to selling cans of water as metal is easier to reuse than any form of plastics. The school has also purchased new bins for each classroom specifically for paper and new paper and drinks can bins have also been purchased for the corridors.

Thousands of Single Use Cups saved at MUN

The impact of our Green Schools Committee was seen at our recent MUN conference where Cafe Gusto served over 500,000 litres of tea and coffee but not one single use cup was used.

Green Schools Committee

As well as ensuring the environment is at forefront at MUN our Green Schools Committee also monitor the use of materials in Davis College. All napkins, knives and forks, plastic packaging used by out catering company are biodegradable. The company has a composting bin for food waste and recyclables are separated from non recyclable materials. Each student has also been supplied with reusable water bottles and Tipperary water is available free of charge at various locations throughout the school.

Our Green Schools Committee are actively promoting the Green agenda, creating awareness of environmental issues and giving practical ways of how we as individuals and as a school can help.

Feb 17
School Closure
Feb 24
School Reopens
Mar 03
School Closure
Mar 04
Spring Assessments 1st & 5th years
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
© 2025 Davis College