Junior Certificate Schools Programme

Junior Certificate Schools Programme

The Junior Certificate Schools Programme (JCSP) was introduced to help students who may be at risk of early school leaving, perhaps without completing the Junior Certificate. One of the reasons why students are inclined to leave is problems with literacy and numeracy so in JCSP we focus on literacy and numeracy.

What does JCSP look like in practice?

Students in JCSP stay together for Irish/English/Maths/Science/Literary class. In these subjects they follow exactly the same curriculum as all other students but they are in a smaller group. For all other subjects they are in general optional classes and mix with all other students.

To encourage JCSP students a record is kept of their progress. This profiling system as it known comprises of a series of statements each affirming what a student can do, knows or understands. Each statement is broken down into learning targets and when each of the learning targets are achieved the statement is achieved. This lets students see their progress very easily.

In addition, there are various extra events and activities organised across the year to help motivate JCSP students e.g. the Make a Book competition where students work as a group to produce a book about their chosen topic.

In the Junior Certificate students sit exactly the same exams as everyone else and get exactly the same Junior Certificate.

Feb 17
School Closure
Feb 24
School Reopens
Mar 03
School Closure
Mar 04
Spring Assessments 1st & 5th years
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
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