Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

Leaving Certificate Applied


The Leaving Certificate Applied is an alternative to the Department of Education Leaving Certificate programme. The Leaving Certificate Applied is a different approach to education and training. Students apply their knowledge, skills and experience to practical tasks at school, in the workplace and in the wider community. The Leaving Certificate Applied challenges young people by setting them major tasks that demand them make links across the various courses they have taken.

Significantly, credits are awarded to the student upon completion of each task. Credits are gained four times over the two years allowing students gather marks long before the exams which form only a small part of the overall result. The Leaving Certificate Applied promotes interpersonal communication skills, self-initiative, teamwork and high achievement.

In Davis College we are very proud of our magnificent track record in LCA. We have Distinctions each year in the group and are represented at the Annual ETB award by these students. In 2018, Darren and Diarmuid O'Mahony along with Gavin Bourke were awarded Distinctions and while in 2019 Niamh O'Connell and Margaret O'Connell secured Distinctions. These students follow in the footsteps of a long line of successful LCA participants.

lca_route_map.gifSix Key Questions about LCA

Q. 1 What is the Leaving Certificate Applied?

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme puts an emphasis on forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past.

Q.2 Why was the Leaving Certificate Applied introduced?

The Leaving Certificate Applied was introduced to recognise the talents of all students and provide opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. It is an innovative programme in the way students learn, in what they learn and in the way their achievements are assessed.

Q.3 Who would benefit most from the Leaving Certificate Applied?

The Leaving Certificate Applied is intended to meet the needs of those students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes or who choose not to opt for such programmes.

Q.4 What is the advantage of the Leaving Certificate Applied?

The advantage of Leaving Certificate Applied is that it focuses on the talents of each individual student and helps students apply what they learn in the real world. The two-year programme consists of four half-year blocks called Sessions and achievements are credited in each of these Sessions.

Q.5 Do students have a choice within the Leaving Certificate Applied?

Each course consists of a number of modules. A module generally represents a half-year’s work and there is provision for some choice of modules.

Q.6 Do Leaving Certificate Applied students receive a Leaving Certificate?

Yes. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a Leaving Certificate from the State Examinations Commission. All credits awarded will be recorded on the Leaving Certificate Applied parchment.

The two year course is divided into 4 sessions

  • September – January, Year 1
  • February – June, Year 1
  • September – January, Year 2
  • February – June, Year 2

Subjects in LCA

Vocational Education – students may study some of the following subjects:

  • Mathematical Applications (compulsory)
  • I.C.T.
  • Office Administration & customer care
  • Craft and Design

Vocational Preparation – students study each of the following subjects:

  • Vocational Preparation and Guidance
  • English and Communication
  • Work Experience

General Education

  • Social Ed.
  • Language (French in Year 1/ Irish in Year 2)
  • Arts
  • Leisure and Recreation (P.E.)


  • Science

At present, students go on work experience one day per week.

Jan 20
Pre exams begin for 3rd and 6th years
Jan 21
Davis College Model United Nations
Jan 27
Transition Year Work Experience Week 2
Feb 12
Transition Year Parent teacher meeting
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
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