Model United Nations

Model United Nations

Model United Nations (MUN)

Conference 2022,

The Model United Nations (MUN) is one of the most popular academic extra-curricular activities undertaken worldwide. It challenges students of all abilities and improves a range of skills needed for life.

Essentially MUN simulates the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council. Students represent countries and speak and work on behalf of those countries in relation to a selection of pre decided issues e.g. Climate change. Students write clauses and resolutions that will tackle, resolve or minimise problems in that area, they may speak publically to delegates and may need to cooperate with other delegates in order to garner support for their point of view.

The benefits are endless, just to name a few....

  • Gain invaluable insight into areas such as human rights, scientific advancement, ethics, aid, disarmament, politics, etc.
  • Become capable, confident well informed individuals who can hold their own in any company.
  • MUN is a student led event so students gain the experience of organising and running a large scale event
  • Meets the vast majority of the New Junior Cycle 24 statements of learning and the 8 key skills
  • Fantastic preparation for Class Based Assessments
  • Invaluable experience for those progressing to College or professions where public speaking is a necessary skill
  • Produces confident and capable public speakers
  • Increases understanding and empathy for the plight of the less fortunate in the world
  • Increases understanding of the causes of worldwide issues
  • Facilitates understanding of cultures, beliefs and traditions
  • Enhances debating skills
  • Promotes team work
  • Promotes a sense of personal responsibility and helps to develop moral values

Davis College MUN is supported by Cork ETB, Cork City Council, Irish Aid and Worldwise Global School and began in the PE hall of Davis College back in 2014. This event was an enormous success to such a point we had no option but to move to a bigger venue in 2015. We are very appreciative of the support of Cork City Council in giving us the use of Cork City Hall. In 2019 over 500 delegates attended the Davis College MUN conference in Cork City hall making it the largest MUN conference of its kind in Ireland. Davis College Transition Year students are instrumental in the organisation of the event this is again a unique learning experience on offer to students.

Davis College students also get the opportunity to travel to other conference mainly in Porto in Portugal. Such has been the success of MUN, we also organise a Junior Conference for primary schools and junior cycle students.

Feb 17
School Closure
Feb 24
School Reopens
Mar 03
School Closure
Mar 04
Spring Assessments 1st & 5th years
Summerhill, Mallow, Co.Cork.
022 21173
© 2025 Davis College